Thursday, March 24, 2011

Attention AVID FOLLOWERS: please don't leave me.

It has come to my attention that approximately 50% of my readers are upset with the frequency of my blogging. I guess they just can't get enough! Well, to honor my many dedicated readers I plan to start blogging much, much more.


Well, unfortunately I have not had any real big moments lately where I unlock a little piece of the key to life ((is it killing you that i said real big instead of really big?) and now is it killing you that i didn't put quotes around "real big" and "really big"?), so instead I will spend a few moments explaining what i've been thinking about lately.

To begin with, I have been thinking a lot about how I am going to have to start applying to a bunch of jobs in the very near future, again. And I have been wondering: WILL I GET A JOB!? and also hoping desperately that I do get one, but especially hoping that i get a Middle School Art teaching job that is not somewhere like kentucky, or a town with a population of 200, which is no where near another normal sized place. There might be some jobs opening up in this area, so that would be nice -- but i bet they are not middle school, so then it is not quite as cool. Anyway, I seriously do not want to have to spend another year subbing because it is boring. Everything is so up in the air about next year... Which leads me to... where the heck will i be living next year?

Also, I have been thinking about my art lately, and how I never really make anything, and only doodle a lot. I am doing illustrations for a book, but i never really want to work on them any more because im kind of sick of drawing basically the same things in the same style for the different parts of the story.. but so far I am happy with how they look, and i should just do it already to get it done and then i wont have to think about them anymore. I have been trying to get back into some kind of printmaking and been trying to do linoleum cuts but Im having issues printing... and so far I'm pretty terrible at it. And Ive been thinking I should try to start painting because i am kind of terrible at that, and I wish i wasn't... and Melissa wants me to make her a painting, which could be really embarrassing for me in the end because its probably going to end up being a shitty gift that she feels obligated to hang on her wall, and then i will have to see it everytime i visit her.

Another thing I have been thinking about is how winter should end already and it should be warmer.